What is Emotional Immaturity?
Maturity means that a person, animal drug addiction quotes, or plant has reached their final growth stage. Someone who hasn’t reached that stage is immature. That’s easy to understand when it comes to physical development, but what does it mean to be emotionally immature and its connection to mental health disorders?
The American Psychological Association defines emotional
maturity as “a high and appropriate level of emotional control and expression.”
On the other hand, emotional immaturity is “a tendency to express emotions
without restraint or disproportionately to the situation.” In other words,
dynamic behavior that is out of control or not appropriate to the situation can
be considered immature. It’s more like the emotional reactions you might expect
to see from a child than from an adult.
Signs of Emotional Immaturity
Emotionally immature people don’t meet society’s
expectations for social behavior within their age range. It’s safe to assume
that a grown-up will be able to consider their impact on others and pay
attention to their feelings. Emotionally mature people can accept criticism and
learn from it. Adults with emotional maturity can think about and plan for the
future. People with emotional immaturity, however, struggle with these things.
Emotionally immature people lack specific emotional and social skills and have
trouble relating to other adults. Some behaviors can be a signal that you’re
dealing with an emotionally immature person:
Emotionally immature people lack certain emotional and
social skills and have trouble relating to other adults.
Emotionally immature people lack certain emotional and
social skills and have trouble relating to other adults.
Impulsive behavior. Children are often impulsive. They speak
out of turn or touch things that they shouldn’t feel. They say things without
thinking about how they’ll affect other people. Over time, people learn not to
do those things. Unfortunately, emotionally immature adults haven’t learned to
curb their impulses. They act in unpredictable or antisocial ways.
Demanding attention. Young children get bored when people
ignore them. So they’ll do things to draw the focus back to themselves, even if
that means acting out in negative ways. Emotionally immature adults often do
the same. They might not act out negatively, but they may inject themselves
into conversations or crack inappropriate jokes to get everyone’s attention.
Name-calling and bullying. In general, adults don’t resort
to schoolyard tactics when they relate to other adults. You seldom see two
adults calling each other mean names. Someone who behaves like a mean kid in
school is not using mature emotional tactics. Instead, they are relying on
childlike displays of temper.
Avoidance. Emotionally immature people may not have a good
sense of the future or plan for it. Refusing to take on significant
responsibilities like committed relationships, careers, or investments like
homeownership are signs of avoiding responsibility. People like this might let
others take care of their way beyond the point that they should be
self-sufficient. This is sometimes called Peter Pan syndrome, after the
fictional character who never wanted to grow up.
Narcissism. An essential facet of maturity is thinking about
other people’s needs and feelings. Unfortunately, immature people only appear
to care about themselves. They dislike compromise and don’t want to consider
other people’s ideas. They always want to have their way.
How to Prevent Emotional Immaturity From Affecting Your
Mental Health
If you’re trying to navigate a relationship with an
emotionally immature person, there are a few things you can do to ease the
situation. When you work to resolve the problem, you can prevent a negative
impact on your mental health and relieve stress.
Communicate: Talking honestly but sensitively about their
behavior is one way to start. You can point out how their words or actions made
you feel and ask them to be more sensitive in the future. You may need to
repeat that conversation more than once. It takes time to learn new emotional
Be positive: When the person behaves in ways that seem
mature and genuine, praise them for it. Positive reinforcement is a vital tool
for encouraging growth. Parents often do this to promote certain behaviors in
young children. Adults will respond positively to praise as well.
Adjust: You can also try to adjust your expectations, within
reason, of course. Not everyone will change, but you can change how you respond
to people. You can learn their patterns and find ways to work around the
problem behaviors.
What are Emotionally Immature Parents?
If you grew up with an emotionally immature parent, you may
have observed any of the following traits from your parent(s):
They are rigid and single-minded and can become very
defensive when people have other ideas
They have low-stress tolerance and have trouble admitting
mistakes, discounting the facts, and blaming others instead
They do what feels best, often following the path of least resistance
They have little respect for other people’s differing
thoughts and opinions
They are self-preoccupied and egocentric
They have low empathy and are emotionally insensitive
They fear feelings and might have taught their children that
certain feelings are shameful or “bad”
They place focus on the physical instead of emotional needs
of their children
They can be killjoys, responding to their children’s ideas
or enthusiasm in a dismissive or skeptical way
They have intense but shallow emotions, and typically quick
to react
As an adult because of the trauma caused by emotionally
immature parents, you may now experience:
Lingering feelings of anger, loneliness, betrayal, or
Feeling guilty for being unhappy
Feeling highly sensitive and perceptive to other people
Difficulty trusting your own instincts
Lacking self-confidence
Feeling trapped in taking care of your parent(s)
People with emotionally immature parents often feel
emotionally lonely around their parents, even when they’re together. While
there is typically a huge emphasis on the physical needs that were met, there
is little to no focus on the emotional needs.
This can be difficult for kids who grew up with a parent
like this because they are likely to deny their own struggles in the future.
They might believe that they shouldn’t have anything to complain about because
their experience wasn’t “bad enough” compared to those who did not have their
physical needs met.
Being a parent is much more than just providing clothing, a
roof over your head, and food on the table. For children to develop into
healthy adults, they need to feel safe and supported to grow, be known, and
express themselves.
Most emotionally immature parents have no awareness of how
they’ve affected their children. To be clear, we aren’t placing blame on these
parents, we are seeking to understand why they are the way they are. The goal
here is to help you gain new insights about your parent(s) in order to increase
your own self-awareness and emotional freedom.
Emotional Parents: The emotionally immature parent is often
run by their feelings. They react to small upsets like the end of the world and
tend to rely on external factors, like other people or intoxicants to soothe
and stabilize them. The emotional parent will likely swing between being overly
involved in their child’s life to abrupt withdrawal.
Driven Parents: The driven parent tends to look the most
normal out of the four types, even appearing highly invested in their
children’s lives. However, these parents are highly controlling and
interfering, rarely pausing long enough to have true empathy and emotional
connection with their children. Instead, the driven parent is often busy and
compulsively goal-oriented. They often expect everyone to want and value the same
things they do.
Passive Parents: The passive parent typically avoids dealing
with anything upsetting. They are usually the “favorite” parent, seeming more
emotionally available than the other types, but only up to a certain extent.
The passive parent rarely offers their children any real limits or guidance to
help them navigate the world. They prefer taking a backseat to a dominant
partner, even allowing abuse and neglect to occur by looking the other way. The
passive parent copes by minimizing problems and acquiescing.
Rejecting Parents: The rejecting parent mostly wants to be
left alone. They often rule the family and home, everything revolves around
them, and the family instinctively tries to not upset them. These parents show
little to no closeness or real engagement with their children, and their
interactions consist of issuing commands, blowing up, or isolating themselves
from family life. When met with attempts to draw them into affectionate or
emotional interactions, the rejecting parent will likely distance themself.
Three Elements of Rehab That Improve Emotional Maturity
No rehab program advertises itself as a way to help clients
resolve emotional immaturity through treatment. The primary objective of mental
health rehab is to help a person struggling with mental health issues. The
building of emotional maturity is simply the means to an end in many cases.
Here are a few examples of standard parts of rehab that
target cases of emotional immaturity:
One-on-One Counseling – Standard inpatient rehab programs
involve psychotherapy, or “talk therapy,” in which a client sits down with a
licensed professional and talks about their struggles. The gold standards in
talk therapy methods are those that handle patterns of thinking — like
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT. CBT helps clients by unpacking the way
they react and make decisions based on different stimuli in their lives. It
focuses on the thought processes that affect their actions and provides more
productive ways to think through likely scenarios. In a typical talk therapy
setting, the goal is for a person to understand the underlying factors and
possible outcomes when they make a decision. This is a sign of emotional
Group and Family Meetings – Group counseling sessions are
another staple of most rehab programs. These focus less on personal exploration
and more on getting clients to listen to each other and see things from
different perspectives. When it’s time to share, they talk about their life
experiences in a way that allows them to benefit from alternate points of view.
The same is true when rehab programs get families involved, something that’s
recommended whenever possible. When a person in treatment gets to hear from
their loved ones with a clear head, they have an opportunity to understand how
loved ones are affected by their substance use. Ultimately, this helps develop
empathy, another marker of emotional maturity. Group and family interactions
during rehab help clients see the ways their behavior affects those close to them.
Recovery Groups – In rehab, aftercare planning is important.
This helps ensure the lessons and practices of rehab are directly applicable to
other recovery groups across the country. Emotionally stunted men or women are
less likely to take responsibility for their actions, so being taught to be
accountable in their lives signals real growth.
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